NIT – Industrial Area, DSM

+255 710 700 320


Joining TALTA means becoming part of a vibrant community dedicated to manage Logistics and Transport professionals through well- structured guidelines and standards for supporting socio-economic development whilst safeguarding the environment

Who Can Join?

Membership is open to individuals who meet the criteria outlined in our Constitution and are committed to supporting our mission.


Full Membership

  1. A full member shall be a citizen of Tanzania and the resident of United Republic of Tanzania.
  2. He/she shall have the right to present proposals for discussion in the Associations meeting.
  3. He/she will have the right to be voted and be entitled to hold. office in the Association if elected.
  4. A full membership shall be open to all sympathizers of the Association and such other individuals who are interested in participating in achieving TALTA objectives.

Associate Membership
  1. Shall be one who qualify to be a full member except for the fact that their residence is outside Tanzania.
  2. His privilege remains those of full a member provided that he/she shall not be able to hold the office in the association for the period he/she retain his/her residence outside Tanzania.
  3. A full member leaving Tanzania for the period of more than one year shall automatically be considered as an Associate member until when him/her returns and his/her subscriptions shall be adjusted accordingly.

Affiliate Membership
  1. Shall be the one who is a citizen and resident of United Republic of Tanzania undergoing a recognized training in logistics and transport studies of either a basic certificate or Diploma/Degree or above.
  2. He/she shall have the right of a full member and shall have the right of voting and be elected to hold office.
  3. Shall be open to any other properly registered Associations and voluntary social agencies engaged in transport and logistics industries (institutions, companies and individuals).

Honorary Membership
  1. Shall be restricted to individuals with outstanding contributions to the Association. Such a person shall be nominated by the Executive Committee and ratified by the Board of Trustees.
  2. The Honorary member shall be exempted to pay fees and subscriptions but may present a proposal for discussion at the Association meetings.
  3. He/she will not have voting rights.